"Novel of women's right"
"Woman is the lovely and compassionate half of the society"
The incidents of Al-Yamama novel proceed in two contradictory directions. Men attempt to motivate the successions towards savage pattern that fit their souls in order to achieve their individual objects. Unlike women, namely the heroine of the novel, the lawyer Huda, they attempt to motivate the successions towards peaceful pattern that fit their souls in order to achieve benefits of society in general. Through this contradiction of the two trends, we find that the lawyer Huda, tried to exploit this opposition to be heard in the hall court, aiming to manifest the inequity in women's right of which women suffered specially In Islamic modern society.
She asked the assistance of professor if the Faculty of Sharia to manifest the contradiction between laws of justice applied in Islamic countries and the doctrines of Islamic religion.
She asked the assistance of professor if the Faculty of Sharia to manifest the contradiction between laws of justice applied in Islamic countries and the doctrines of Islamic religion.
As a result of this cooperation between judicial laws and religious thought, the incidents of the novel has a new pattern, in which the modern Islamic jurists being in critical situation, as it imposed on them to reconsider the laws of Islamic marriage. Incidents of the novel – at the beginning –look as simple and familiar, but domination of woman's thought on the succession of the incidents gives unfamiliar suspense plot to these incidents in the realm of novels, which urged the reader to continue the development and succession of the incidents in eagerness and interest, wondering the reason of odd conduct of the heroine. Al-Yamama novel is response of opinion of the western people who believe that inequity which woman suffers in Islamic societies resulted by the Islamic religion in itself.
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