(The result is the Most Powerful Scientific Proof):
A lot of thinker today think that using the logic of modern scientific methodology that relies on the materialistic point of view is the result of the separation between spiritual sciences and materialist sciences, and the appearance of discrepancy between the different sciences, which resulted in, as proposed by some thinkers, to the reality that (humanity has reached a dead end, as it has get down to the bottom), or as described by some other thinkers (that humanity has never experienced brutality that is more cruel than the contemporary man's brutality).
In exposing his themes, the author, Z. Sana, uses the logic of comprehensive vision adopted by the Divine thought in the holy books, which was expressed by Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) when he said:
(Heaven is under mothers' feet), or as said by others: (Each great man has a woman behind him).
The present book (Women are Spirit Eye) explains the role of female code (8) from God's spirit (18) in each step of evolution stages (Creation of the first atom – creation of stars and galaxies – creation of the solar system – creation of the life DNA – man creation – creation of the first civilization – creation of the first heavenly religion).
Through his exposition of the different subjects, he provides real scientific evidences and proofs that nothing in the universe happens by coincidence, and that everything is under God's spirit control (18).
The books fully explains the life of Nefertiti and her rule in confronting the Pharaoh, assisting Moses in liberating the believers from Pharaoh's enslavement and expelling them out of Egypt, to confirm to the historians that Prophets tales are not myths, but rather stations in humanity development throughout history.
The themes of (Women are Spirit Eye) book are exposed in a clear and simple style, with a large number of illustrations that assist in comprehending the book incidents. The book also contains a lot of information of different sciences that have been collected and coordinated to occupy their correct location in the incidents of the divine novel of creation, which will assist the reader in acquiring comprehensive culture that assist him in understanding his existence, and the reality of the incidents taking place around him in a manner that makes him feel as if he were reading a realistic historical novel full of interesting and useful incidents at the same time.
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